Tip 1: Let the experts help


Invite a realtor or interior designer over to give your home an initial assessment. You’ll avoid wasting time or money on less significant renovations and you’ll walk away with new inspiration. Remember: not every home improvement is cosmetic. Deteriorating roofs, termite infestation or outdated electrical systems severely affect the value (not to mention SAFETY!) of your home. Hire an inspector and make a checklist of urgent, important, and someday renovations


Tip 2: Landscaping Matters


Curb appeal is basically a love language in itself. Get rid of trash, clutter, and any other eyesores that might detract from a first impression. Purchase plants that are native to your region or plants that are drought-tolerant; these require less water and maintenance, which means cost savings for you.


Tip 3: Paint, Paint, Paint


One of the simplest and most cost-effective improvements of all is paint. When selecting paint colors, keep in mind that neutrals appeal to the greatest number of people.


Tip 4: Owning Less is Better than Organizing More


Your home tells a story and a clutter-free, bright space is always going to attract more potential buyers. It can be a worthy investment to hire a professional cleaning service to deep clean your home.

In addition to cleanliness, visual space or how large your home feels also matters. Replace heavy closed draperies with vertical blinds or shutters to let light in or try adding a single large mirror to a room to visually double the space.


Tip 5: Big Return on Bathroom & Kitchen Updates


A great room to update for less than $750 is the bathroom. The two rooms that benefit most from even small renovations are the kitchen and bathroom. One cost-effective change — like replacing an outdated vanity, old plumbing, and lighting fixtures or adding a new tile floor — will guarantee a lot of bang for your buck and give your bath an updated, modern look.

You don’t have to start from scratch to increase value in the kitchen. Start by swapping out just one item, such as a stained sink or ancient microwave for shiny new stainless models. Even small kitchen updates will add big value to your home.